GAMES PLAYED: #BioshockInfinite and not much else - read the blog post!
MUSIC PLAYED: #Chvrches, #TheChemicalBrothers, #TheDeadWeather, #LauraVeirs
MOVIES/TV WATCHED: #TheWalkingDeadSeason3, #DexterSeason5, #DexterSeason6, #Nashville, #WallE (on infinite repeat thanks to #Henry!)
Many of us who could be labeled #gamers have what is known colloquially in gaming/entertainment circles as the "Unfinished Pile of Shame" - this basically amounts to the pile of games that, despite your best endeavors, you bought but never got around to finishing or even playing.
What with #BabyNumber2 on the way soon, I decided to take stock of my own #UnfinishedPile and catalog it, along with the reasons why certain games are still unplayed.
The majority of the games on this list will most likely be there because I just don't have the free time anymore due to parenting or playing with #Henry (definitely time well spent!), or due to other life commitments; things like working or worrying about the potential of a trip-dip recession!
Title: L.A Noir [Xbox 360]
Reason: I wanted to like it, and was avidly following the story and reveling in the absurd level of motion-capture on display, however there's got to be something seriously wrong with the game-mechanics if I'm always getting my partner to drive me to every location in the game because I can't stand the feel of the controls!
Title: Red Dead Redemption [Xbox 360]
Reason: #JohnMarston - you're a legend of the Old West but by god you're stupid. How many A-to-B murder-quests have you been sent on, with the promise of information to help you track down your former Gang Leader only to be told after massacring another village of Mexicans that your employer knows nothing and was just using you!? If you're that gullible you don't deserve my help...
Title: Metal Gear Solid HD 2/3 [Xbox 360]
Reason: I don't know what I was thinking getting this game - there's no way I'll be able to fit in the 3hr cutscenes around parenting... Thanks for nothing Kojima-san!
Title: Gears of War 3 [Xbox 360]
Reason: Too violent to play - if there's any chance (no matter how remote) that #Henry could see or hear anything occurring in-game I couldn't live with myself.
Title: Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2/Dead Rising 2/Dead Rising 2: Case West [Xbox 360]
Reason: Vetoed by @TheHomemademama - something about not wanting our offspring to be soothed by the sound of #zombies moaning or #GunShots ...
Title: Modern Warfare 3
Reason: See the previous comments about the sound of #GunShots with L4D...
Hitman: Absolution
Reason: I love the Hitman series, and the latest entry enticed me in the free Sniper Challenge. The new graphics engine updates the looks and make them beautiful and yet grimy at the same time, but forcing the #GrindHouse plot into the game that doesn't need it just does nothing for me...
Title: Modern Warfare 3
Reason: See the previous comments about the sound of #GunShots with L4D...
Hitman: Absolution
Reason: I love the Hitman series, and the latest entry enticed me in the free Sniper Challenge. The new graphics engine updates the looks and make them beautiful and yet grimy at the same time, but forcing the #GrindHouse plot into the game that doesn't need it just does nothing for me...
Title: Skyrim & DLC [Xbox 360]
Reason: I bought this game assuming that I would be the only game I ever needed to play for the next few years. You don't play Elder Scrolls games, you move into them...unfortunately I don't have that sort of time any more, unless I give up working for a living, sleeping, or caring for my family I'll have to console myself that my month-long jaunts into #Tamriel are on hold and live in the past now.
Title: Xcom
Reason: Xcom and Terror From the Deep are two of my favorite games from decades back. The reboot captures the original game perfectly. I've been playing it but haven't completed it...Xcom isn't about saving the world, its about how beautifully you fail while trying to save it...
Title: Crysis 2
Reason: Its not in set in the jungle like the original Crysis was...
Title: BioShock 2
Reason: It's not the original Bioshock...
Title: Xcom
Reason: Xcom and Terror From the Deep are two of my favorite games from decades back. The reboot captures the original game perfectly. I've been playing it but haven't completed it...Xcom isn't about saving the world, its about how beautifully you fail while trying to save it...
Title: Fez [XBLA]
Reason: I paused it a long, long time ago, and now I can't comprehend what I was tying to achieve, or where I'm trying to get to spatially-let alone re-training my brain to think in 90degree 2D/3D coordinates again! Plus, if the rumors are true and people have gotten completion stats of 209%...I just don't stand a chance. It's got an amazing soundtrack though...
Title: Any Kinect-based Title [Xbox 360]
Reason: #Microsoft, I bought into your family-fun dream in brightly-lit, spacious, colourful (yet tastefully decorated in a minimalist-style) sunlight-flooded houses, and I imagined me and #Henry having a whale of a time jumping around together. The only downside being is that I bought into this dream years too early to do this with my son and before the Kinect was even ready to work properly.
Plus if you can think of a way to stop #George, the family dog from either flipping out when I talk to the Xbox, or attacking me because I'm dancing in front of the #Kinect please, please, please feel free to let me know...
Title: Crysis 2
Reason: Its not in set in the jungle like the original Crysis was...
Title: BioShock 2
Reason: It's not the original Bioshock...