RECENT EVENTS: Thinking about all the work @Kimbled does....
I haven't exactly been prolific at posting of late (well, or ever really) but I thought I'd dedicate this Blog Update to my Partner in Crime; @Kimbled.
Becoming a mother has changed her on a level I doubt I'll ever fully understand - don't get me wrong she's still the same person she was before (well more or less) just as I am, but having a Baby does have a wonderful way of "focusing" you. She handled being pregnant with Henry with ease (other than being hospitalised with cronic Morning Sickness in the first 3months, and with Swine Flu in the last 3months) but despite all that, everything she did, or prepared, or planned for, she managed to make it look easy.
I still joke that I'm surprised that she's so crazy about Henry, as before his arrival she was somebody that would actually leave a room if there was a baby in it. These jokes are met with the usual look that says; "'re doing that thing where you're talking and thinking you're clever, again!" but I'm reliably informed that its how; "I know my place" in the scheme of things.
I'm posting this update to say how amazed I am at all the effort she puts into looking after #Henry - before he arrived she must have read every pregnancey book that has been published, ever! I figured I didn't need to as I (assumed) that I was quite good with babies (and to be honest, the actual physical act of reading them terrified me!)
And since his arrival around 8months ago she has done nothing but work tirelessly to look after him, make sure he's happy, keep him fed, warm and happy, and to make sure I'm educated enough not to be carrying him upside down or something (I think that there maybe some trust issues there....)
We had a scare with #Henry and his misocarida I don't think this has affected the way we look after #Henry, as we were basically given the all clear, but when I watch @Kimbled looking after my son I can't help but be amazed by her and him.
I consider myself to be a "good father" - whatever that means. I can make #Henry laugh and entertain him for the most part, and I only carry him upside down occasionally (when he wants to be carried that way) but I do worry about how much I do, or put in - it's hard not to what you see the amount of work @Kimbled puts in.....The problem being, while I can consider myself a "good father" I don't put in the immense amount of hours that @Kimbled does. Working Full-Time means that I put in a couple of hours in the Morning with #Henry - usually playing, watching #PeppaPig or trying to make sure that he doesn't try to steal my Tea & Toast if I'm eating breakfast in front of him. But then, after those couple of hours are up, I get to leave, and go out into the big, wide world and go to work, trusting that my Mini-Me will be looked after and provided for in my absence. This I can do without worry - which says a lot as to how much @Kimbled puts in.
Then when I get home in the evening (I always like to consider this as some sort of grand return of the main provider in a gloriously 1950's cliche like something from Bewitched or something) I usually turn up to dinner made for me, a reasonable happy son that is happy to see his Dad, who will only need playing with for a few hours until he hits the hay for the evening. Hell, lately I've even managed to fit in some Xbox sessions - I don't think that this would be possible without all that @Kimbled does.
I don't think I need to continue adding this blog update, as this picture basically sums up everything she does beautifully;
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