Monday, 16 April 2012

[My Stuff That Makes Me Happy List]

RECENT EVENTS: Moving House, being (VERY) poor, My Birthday
GAMES PLAYED: #AssassinsCreedRevolutions, #Fez [- Trial Version], #IAmAlive, #AlanWakeAmericanNightmare [- Trial Version], #Skyrim
MUSIC PLAYED: #LauraViers, #LauraGibson, #BenHoward, #JoséGonzález
MOVIES/TV WATCHED: #TheBeaver, #Homeland, #Weeds, too many #cartoons to count
READING; #Dracula, #EdgeMagazine, #OXMUKMagazine

Having just moved house, and now being very poor - what with all the money I have (and don't have) being sunk into getting (and majorly fixing) a property for me, #Henry and @Kimbled to secure our future-selves a secure future (hopefully!), I thought I'd just post a quick update on here in an effort to list some things that remind me of the fun that can be had doing stuff that's for free, or stuff that cheers me up and makes all this effort, woe, tiredness and hard living on a budget worth while;

My Stuff That Makes Me Happy List;

Eating hot-buttered toast.

The smell of fresh #coffee from my #Nespresso machine.

Eating @HartsBakery #CustardTarts (with the coffee from above)

#Thai / #Japanese food.

Coming home to be greeted by a hyper-active #collie #dog called #George, and an equally happy/hyper-active son called #Henry.

Getting a chance to have a hour's afternoon nap on a Sunday when #Henry goes down for a nap.

Watching my son get better and better at walking and running on his own. Chasing each other round the house and hiding.

Getting a "Hey!" or a "Daaaaaaad!" from #Henry by way of being greeted, and/or getting a #BabyHighFive from him.

Having an excuse to watch kids cartoons that I really like, like #CharlieAndLola or #PaddingtonBear

Broadband and using technology when it just works.

Reading (free) iBooks, and online web comics.

Getting my #Apple #Newstand #magazines delivered automatically to my #iPhone / #iPad.

Getting a chance to fire up the #Xbox when #Henry finally gives in an goes to bed.

No longer worrying about the stack of unfinished games I've got - this is now an advantage as I can save money and work my way through them due to staying indoors!

Drinking a cold beer on a hot day.

Realising that I technically 'own' a #house! And, if I can fake my own death it could be paid off within months! (However, I believe that I'd need a canoe for that to work....)

Having a #garden, with grass!

Cuddling #Henry and @Kimbled.

@Kimbled driving me places now she has her licence back (....sometimes).

Get togethers or days out with friends that are just 'easy', and don't require 'effort'.

Thinking about all the help and support we've had getting our new #home together and mended.

Being the first one to find a movie trailer, book, video game so that I can pass on the news to friends and talk about it with other like-minded individuals.


Getting likes or noticed on Twitter/Instagram/this Blog (who am I kidding nobody reads this blog...) however I dont need online recognition to feel validated and fully self-actualised.

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